Miami Beach Introduces New Security Measures To Encourage Peaceful Celebrations - Miami Luxury 首页s-365官方app
迈克尔·莱特/ 2024年2月19日

三月是迈阿密海滩历史上最疯狂的月份, where barrages of young folks descend upon the magic city and party hard for Spring Break. 虽然365app很清楚365app城市自由自在的名声, things have gotten out of hand in recent years and this year’s partygoers are going to experience a new, 成人版的南海滩.

为了平息这种不法行为, preparations are being made by law enforcement and city officials for the 2024 Spring Break season. 这些变化将在整个3月份生效, with special restrictions being introduced on “high impact” weekends (March 7-10 and March 14-17).

新迈阿密海滩春假规定- 3月

在整个三月的周四到周五, 游客会注意到迈阿密海滩警察增加了人手, 消防救援, 海洋救援, 代码合规, 公园巡游者, 停车 and Sanitation as well as “Goodwill Ambassadors” to assist visitors. 这些“亲善大使”和那些 迈阿密市中心"杰出天使"  谁在迈阿密市中心的街道上漫步, offering directions and other advice to visitors who may have lost their way.

  • 停车 rates will be increased to $30 for visitors in all city parking garages and surface lots in the Entertainment District. These new rates do not apply to Miami Beach Residents, access card holders or authorized employees.
  • 非居民拖车费率增加到516美元. 这大约是正常速率的两倍, so please be mindful of your parking space or be prepared to meet the local celebrities/fine residents at 南滩镇 (spoiler alert: they are not fun to deal with at the regular rate, so watch your parking).
  • 娱乐区的酒类商店将在晚上8点关门.
  • Beach entrances along Ocean Drive will be limited to 5th, 10th and 12th Streets. 在这些地点, expect security checkpoints to ensure prohibited items are not brought onto the sand. 禁止物品包括但不限于冷却器, 木筏/充气玩具, 桌子和帐篷, 枪支, 烟花和玻璃. 海滩也是一个无烟区.
  • 海滩入口将于下午6点整关闭.
  • 没有市政府颁发的许可证,严禁播放扩音音乐.



  • The Miami Beach Police Department will implement a License Plate Reader (LPR) on the eastbound lanes of the MacArthur Causeway and the Julia Tuttle Causeway starting at 5pm. This will reduce the number of lanes available for use, so expect delays. These License Plate Readers will identify the vehicles in the event of any serious or violent offenders and assist with the recovery of stolen vehicles. The License Plate Readers will also be implemented on March 22-24th along 5th Street.
  • 停车 rates will be raised to $100 for city parking garages and surface lots in the Entertainment District (see map). The entry to these garages will be restricted from 6pm until 7am and Miami Beach Police Department officers will be posted at each city-owned garage all weekend. These rates and closures do not affect residents, access card holders or authorized employees.
  • All sidewalk seating on Ocean Drive will be closed during these weekends. 这也影响了主干道上的路边咖啡馆.
  • 将引入酒驾清醒检查点.
  • 高尔夫球车将不再使用, 低速车辆, 弹弓, 电动踏板车, 轻便摩托车, 这一时期的小型摩托车或机动自行车.
  • Barricades will be added to Ocean Drive in order to reduce pedestrians coming into contact with vehicles. Ocean Drive will be accessible only via 13th Street as an entry and 5th Street as an exit. 海洋大道上没有停车位.


In order to reduce the impact of Miami Beach and South Beach residents during this time, 预计将加强停车执法和拖拽. Be sure to check the signage for your parking spot if you find one and remember: If it seems too good to be true, 可能是的. 南海滩镇不玩.


尽管有新规定,帮助游客出行, the Miami Beach citywide trolley service will be available for augmented hours. They will have additional trolleys for the South Beach Loops A and B as well as two additional trolleys for the Collins Avenue Express route. 这些服务从早上8点到凌晨1点免费提供.

更多信息可在 迈阿密海滩市的“春假分手”页面.

虽然365app知道这些规定一点也不好玩, they will help to alleviate some of the past problems that Spring Break has brought. In 2023 alone, there were two fatal shootings and almost 500 arrests. We hope that Miami Beach’s visitors have a lovely time this year with our city and please party responsibly.

图片来源:World RedEye




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